Here is how to reduce taxable income in Canada as an ex-pat
Recently, North Americans in the United States have shown an increased interest in traveling to Canada. Moving to Canada from the United States is something that many people do for various reasons. Some people are drawn to the area because
The Truth About Gas Tax Holiday In Canada You Need To Know
Is Canada going to follow the USA on Gas Tax Holiday? Gas Tax Holiday is a scheme currently running in 5 provinces in the U.S. as a respite from the surging fuel costs. Under this scheme, state tax on cars and
What is New York’s gas tax holiday and how ex-pats can benefit from it?
As per the new policy aid down by the Biden Government, the gas tax (fuel tax) has taken a leave for seven months in New York City. To facilitate the citizens of New York City during the price surge of
Link Tax in Canada: What is it and how does it matter to ex-pats?
The link tax is one of the most controversial proposals recently furnished by the Canadian Government. It is modeled after the Australian tax system to support new channels. On their official website, Canada Government clarifies that this is a noble
T1134: What is it and how to get through?
The T1134 Form is a necessary government document that is applicable for all stakeholders involved in a foreign affiliate, including individuals, companies as a whole, partnerships, etc. In simpler words, it is a mandatory form that needs to be filled
Will 2021 Open The Right Opportunities To Start Business In USA?
COVID-19 led to a series of unexpected catastrophic upheavals in the business ecosystem of the world. Even the world’s most prosperous nation, the United States of America was not spared from the disaster of this deadly pandemic. Now, with more
Migrated To The USA? Know Your Share Of Taxes
If you have migrated to the USA recently and have been able to acquire a Green Card, it would be in your interest to know about the kind of taxes and the way you can pay them. This will enable
How tax-friendly is Atlanta?
The city of Atlanta is the capital of the US state of Georgia. Kiplinger, the American Publisher of Business Forecasts, has created a new ranking system dividing various states into five tax-related categories. These are very much tax-friendly; tax-friendly; mixed;
Santa Claus lives and pays taxes in Canada – Government affirms!
If you believe that the friend of your child, the Santa Claus or Saint Nicholas, was a Christian Bishop of Greece, then maybe you should think twice. Various Canadian government firms and institutions are saying that Good Old Santa is
Lower your home business income tax in Canada
If you are a Canadian and own a small business in your home, then you may wish to pay a lower amount of tax and may look for opportunities to claim tax write-offs. You can easily assume that you have